Our new Small Language Model (SLM) glue-0.7-tos-navis has been released on 01 may 2024 !
Open-source lightweight superfast SLMs for IT maintenance automation

Automate your glue code maintenance with AI bots

Setup your free AI bot in LeLab

No credit card required

Works with 20+ frameworks
Works seamlessly with 20+ tech frameworks: Next.js, React, Flutter, Vue…
Build on Open-source
Our open source models, algorithms and AI bots are under Apache 2.0 license
For devs and businesses
SLM source codes are usable and customisable for a variety of use cases
You too, avoid IT maintenance

Developers Programmers Coders Full Stack Devs Frontend Devs Backend Devs Mobile App Devs System Architects Systems Engineers Software Engineers Data Scientists Data Analysts ML Engineers Quants Data Miners B.I Analysts AI PhDs DevSecOps DevOps MLOps Release Engineers Automation Geeks CI/CD Engineers Infra. Engineers CI/CD Engineers Systems Admin
Don't fix... build and chill !

Create your bots army and join the community of dancing devs

Deploy on LeLab: Our cloud infrastructure

🎮 How to setup and pilot your AI bot

In LeLab dashboard launch your free AI ninja-bot 🥷in a minute, select his Small Language Model (SLM), and let him do the work for you: auto analyze bugs, code/fix, commit, merge, pull, push, test, deploy… 😎 and report to you his master!

Otherwise, setup your bot on your env and control him via API (below) or CLI.

🐣 Give life to your bot

First, give life to your bot by signing his birth certificate and describing his knowledge & personality. By the way… bots have (cyber) genders too 🌈 😉 full list in the API doc.

POST https://api.gluecode.ai/v1/bot/

After your bot is alive 👼 and fully configured, you can integrate it into your glue code app by copying/pasting a few lines of code on your server (script side, server side, DB side…). See the methods in the “deploy” tab – in top right corner.

Development progress

/* JSON Payload to create your bot */
"name":        "Bot to monitor & fix my PHP script",
"gender":      "Transformers",      // ;-)
"description": "My awesome autobot",
"context": {
   "language": "PHP",
   "db":       "MySQL",
   "server":   "Nginx",
   "os":       "Linux Ubuntu",
   "model":    "glue-0.7-tos-navis",
   "client":   "DMSLOG VBS", // my SaaS solution
   "server":   "Navis"       // big company ERP
"sources": {
   "docUrl":        "https://doc.mysite.com",
   "githubUrl":     "https://github.com/my-gluecode",  // method 1
   "githubSsh":     "YOUR_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY",
   "zipUrl":        "https://mysite.com/my-gluecode.zip", // method 2
   "rawCode":       "<?php echo 'my Code'; ?>",          // method 3
   "dockerCompose": "",   // docker-compose.yml
   "dockerFile":    "",      // custom Docker image
   "dockerReadme":  ""     // setup and usage instructions
"avatar":           "https://my-avatar.com/me.png",
"lang":             "fr" // for maintenance report

/* JSON Response onSuccess */
   "id": 1234       // your bot id (for next requests)
⚠️ Fix a bug / a potential problem (Update app)

Then, tell your bot the first problem to fix. This problem is the one that mostly appears (or would appear…regarding Murphy’s law 💣🧨) on your glue code connections.

PUT https://api.gluecode.ai/v1/bot/fix/

You can add (in your bot monitoring > fixing routine) as many use case as you want 🎯, or even import tickets from your tech-support PM software 📚 like Jira, Asana, Trello, Monday, Github, GitLab…

Development progress

/* JSON Payload to add a problem to solve */
"id": 1234,
"name": "Fields (in script or DB) to update when they change on ERP side",
"problem": {     // required
   "context":    "Specs of the use case / bug details",
   "serverLogs": "Error log expected",
   "dbLogs":     "Error query expected",
   "script":     "Part of the script related",
"solution" : {   // not required (your bot can find it by himself)
   "context":    "The way I think about / have already solved this.",
   "serverLogs": "",
   "dbLogs":     "",
   "script":     "The algorithm I think about",
🪜 Code a new feature (Upgrade app)

Your bot can also upgrade your glue by adding new features to your existing script or app. 🥳Try by copy/pasting or prompting your customer next “new feature request” (= the raw email) … you’ll be amazed by the results ! 😜

PUT https://api.gluecode.ai/v1/bot/build/

Note: For this AI logic we combine one of our dedicated SLMs (the most appropriate for the request) and an open source LLM (Mistral 7B or Llama 3) as your bot needs to understand Natural Language Processing (NLP) 🧠.

Development progress

/* JSON Payload to code a new feature */
   "id": 1234,
   "name":  "My new feature",
   "specs": "In the fuel consumption f°, calculate the ratio of carbon emitted",
   "tips":  "Code examples, algorithm, plantUML ..."
🛡️ Set your bot permissions

For security reasons, or part of your CI/CD workflow you want to do manually… set your bot (tight) permissions as you want on your external 3rd party-services, and sleep on both ears 😴👂👂(WTF ?!).

PUT https://api.gluecode.ai/v1/bot/permissions/

We apply Secure by design and Secure by default principles architecture conception. 🛠️

Development progress

Default Deny
Zero Trust Architecture
Multi-factor Authentication
/* JSON Payload to update your bot permissions*/
   "id": 1234,
   "sources":    "CRU",  // cannot delete sources
   "serverLogs": "R",    // readonly
   "database":   "CRUD", // all permissions on DB
   "kubernetes": "CRUD", // all permissions on K8 deployment
🦸‍♂️ Give your bot super powers !

Enhance your AI bot’s capabilities with limitless access to GPUs, CPUs, and RAM 💪. Thanks to LeLab’s cloud architecture, based in Paris, France, you can scale your resources effortlessly to meet any demand.

PUT https://api.gluecode.ai/v1/bot/superpowers/

Our LeLab models run in Scaleway datacenter, Europe’s empowering cloud provider with high-performing infrastructure, and unbeatable price/performance ratio on GPU NVIDIA® RTX 3070.

Development progress

/* JSON Payload to update your bot super powers */
   "id": 1234,
   "gpu":    10,  // NVIDIA® RTX 3070
   "ramGpu": 24,  // GDDR6
   "cpu":    4,   // AMD EPYC™ serie 7003 2.65 GHz
   "ramCpu": 8,   // DDR4 3,2MHz
🎯 Set your budget

To avoid any bad surprise at the end of the month…🎁🙀 set your daily or monthly budget limits.

PUT https://api.gluecode.ai/v1/bot/budget/

Development progress

/* JSON Payload to update your bot budget */
   "id" : 1234,
   "maxPerDay":   10, // in $
   "maxPerMonth": 200 // in $
🚀 Deploy your bot on your app (= copy/paste)

Once you’ve completed the full configuration of your ninja-bot 🥷, it’s time to deploy him on his mission field to work 🛠️! The deployment consists of sending your app behavior (any logs) to your bot… who will handle the rest (analyse, code, commit, merge, pull, push, test, deploy and report) by himself… otherwise, fire him🔥!

POST https://api.gluecode.ai/v1/bot/monitor/

This deployment process can be executed by copying/pasting a few lines of code on your server (script side, softserver side, DB side, API side… as many faces as in a Rubik’s cube). Those faces (=logs) can be combined to provide your bot with the broadest possible range of live-knowledge => thus the best efficiency to quickly immediatly solve bugs by fixing code.⏱️

Development progress

SLM Navis
/* Javascript to deploy your bot on your app */
try {
  // Your main glue code
  // ...
} catch (error) {
  // POST error to your bot SLM
  const endpoint = 'https://api.gluecode.ai/v1/bot/monitor/';
  const errorData = {
    id: 1234,
    message: error.message,
    stack:   error.stack

  fetch(endpoint, {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'x-api-key':    'YOUR_PRIVATE_APIKEY',
    body: JSON.stringify(errorData)
👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 Link 2 bots (client side / server side)

In real life, when you’ve connected with glue code your system A to a customer system B, and you want to put maintenance bots on both glue sides:

  1. 🤖 First you first create your bot A (id=1234),
  2. 🤖 then your customer creates his bot B (id=5678),
  3. 🔗 then you link the 2 bots (payload on the right)

so that they know each other, speak together, and collaborate autonomously to solve tech situations – that you don’t have to manage anymore 👍, neither you nor the other dev.

PUT https://api.gluecode.ai/v1/bot/link/

You can interconnect as many bots as you want and invite unlimited users to manage each one of them👨‍💻.

Development progress

/* JSON Payload to link 2 bots */
   "id": 1234,    // bot A on my client side (my SaaS solution)
   "linkTo": 5678 // bot B on server customer side (big company ERP)

/* or this inversed Payload also works the same */
   "id": 5678,
   "linkTo": 1234

Build an army of interconnected collaborative and autonomous bots and let them do the sh*tty maintenance to focus on more interesting stuffs to do ! 🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖

0 bots running

Build an army of interconnected collaborative and autonomous bots and let them do the sh*tty 💩 maintenance to focus on more interesting stuffs to do 🧠 !

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Trusted by devs, software engineers and data scientists
You too launch your bot now !
Perfect Services for Every Startup World-Class Digital Products High Quality and Innovative Solutions

We build cutting-edge AI DevTools 🛠️

Work directly in LeLab without the pain and costs of setting up servers and GPUs then maintaining them…

Or kickstart your project on your own infrastructure with open source templates built by us and our community.

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Community trust, privacy & security by design
100% secured code base + your data privacy
As the code base is 100% open source, you can trust its privacy and security by design/audit. You can also customize our SLMs to your private and sensitive data sets on your local machines and networks (Ex: health, fintech…).
All our SLMs open source code
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Low OPEX (on-premise, device, LeLab cloud)
Ultra-specified, lightweight and cost-efficient by design
Our SLMs are IT maintenance tailored, fine-tuned and RAGed to automate specific tasks on specific softwares on specific env… thus they are very light and can run on any cloud, local machine, or portable device.
Where to deploy your SLMs ?
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CAPEX 90% cheaper than LLMs
Share NVIDIA® GPUs RTX 3070 and lower your costs
When you run your bot in our LeLab infrastructure, you have access to our pool of mutualized GPU NVIDIA® RTX 3070, which costs lower in usage than buying GPUs or renting them fulltime in a GAFAM datacenter!
Create your bot in LeLab

Enrich your glue bots with LeLab modules 🧩

In our LeLab cloud infrastructure you can 1 click activate any of those plug&play modules to boost your AI maintenance bot 🚀.

Custom edge functions
Collaborate with your bot, serving as your Xtreme programming partner for coding synergy
Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
Store, organize, and serve larges private data sources from documents to live logs
Real time and Bots sync.
Build multiplayer experiences with real time data synchronization or combined bots
Your favorite ML-models
Integrate your favorite ML-models to store, index and search vector embeddings
Command Line Interface (CLI)
Enables precise bot control and streamlined automation directly from your terminal
Content Delivery Network (CDN)
Deploy your assets on our Content Delivery Network and ensure faster load times

Enrich your CI/CD worflow automation

🤖 What does a glue bot do

Your robot works 24/7 and follows this ISO 19770-1 Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) for IT maintenance


Server logs, SQL logs, API calls

Detect anomaly


Investigate solution


Test + rating



SLM Devops



Sync with your preferred CI/CD tools

Gluecode seamlessly integrates with your preferred CI/CD automation standards (Docker, Github, GitLab, Bitbucket, Jenkins, CircleCI, TravisCI, Cypress, Kubernetes…) and big cloud providers (Scaleway, AWS, GCP, Azure).

AES 256 encryption
All customer data remains encrypted at rest using AES-256 and during transmission through TLS protocols.
SOC 2 Compliance
GlueCode.Ai adheres to SOC2 Type 2 standards, ensuring robust security protocols for handling sensitive customer data.
Particle element
Particle element
Particle element
Particle element
Particle element
Particle element
Particle element
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Save some pain in the a** !

Tired of wasting time fixing code ?

As your glue code is connected to multiple heterogeneous IT systems frequently changing (= enterprise softwares), you spend too much time fixing it.

But… a bot can do this maintenance for you…

Create your free bot now !
Takes 5' configuration

Create your free AI bot 🤖

🎁 As a welcome gift, GlueCode offers you your first AI bot to host on our cloud infrastructure: LeLab. Your bot super-powers are 💪:

  • 1 NVIDIA® RTX 3070 GPU shared instance + 2GB RAM, +100Mo of RAG documents storage,
  • it works around the clock, even while you sleep, unlike you 😉
  • it is quick to integrate into your IT infrastructure using API, CLI, npm, composer, and more.
Build your bot in seconds
Save some a lot of time

Focus on building your core app and chill ! 😎

While your bot maintains and repairs your glue code automatically, you can focus on conception, architecture and specifications.

Join the GitHub community
Community growth

They use and trust GlueCode.Ai

Many devs from fortune 500 companies, SME, startups and open-source projects, use GlueCode.Ai bots 🤖 to save thousands of hours of IT maintenance 😎 !

Join the community


Hours saved


programming languages


codebase contributors


users devs engineers PhDs
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